Flexible hours and locations. Home nursing service by local nurses and health workers.

Provide emergency manpower demand support

We keep up with your needs anytime, anywhere

Provide residential manpower support

Our service

Service quality is guaranteed, all the professionals who work on the platform are the most professional and highest rated helpers.

Our professional customer service team will support customers and helpers online and offline.

Fast and Convenient, find the right caregivers as first as 10 minutes, 24hrs 7 days.

Contact us

Australia Office

Address: Suite 109, G/F, 48 Atchison Street, St Leonards, NSW 2065, Australia

Hotline: 0413 808 811


Hong Kong Office

Address: 1/F, On Lok Yuen Building, 25 Des Voeux Road Central, Central, Hong Kong 

Contact: +852 9867 5630
